Monday, 24 October 2016

Living in Abundance: Balancing Work, Money, and Relationships is a five-day didactic, experiential, and psychodynamic intensive that will help you develop insights into your relationship to money and work.

Understand The Issues

Living in Abundance is a five-day intensive that will help you develop insights into your relationship to money and work.

Living in Abundance is a didactic, experiential and psychodynamic intensive lead by a facilitator trained in the area of financial and work disorders.

During the workshop, you will address a myriad of disorders including money obsession, work addiction, under earning, spending addiction, gambling, hoarding, deprivation, and codependence related to work and finances. The goals of this workshop are to help participants:
  • Discover how your behavior related to money and work developed
  • Recognize the rewards and costs of your behavior to one’s self and others
  • Obtain a treatment plan which intervenes on existing behavior and fosters a healthy relationship with money and work that will also enhance your relationship with yourself and others, more about

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Healing Heartache: A Grief And Loss Workshop

When you’ve experienced a loss ─ the death of a loved one, the loss of your health, the loss of a relationship, the loss of an opportunity, etc.─ it can be helpful to take time out to lean into your grief. It’s often difficult, if not impossible, to initiate the healing process in this way while also managing the day-to-day obligations of your life.

That’s why we offer “Healing Heartache: A Grief and Loss Workshop.” This 5-day workshop creates a safe and sacred space for exploring losses you’ve experienced throughout your lifetime. The program will help will help you understand and normalize your feelings through teachings on the cycle of grief and the patterns of destructive behavior. You also will participate in experiential exercises which will allow you to release words and feelings that have not yet been expressed. At the end of workshop, we’ll offer you the resources you need to move continue moving forward with hope and dignity.

We look forward to seeing there, and to helping you on your journey to stronger relationships and a brighter future.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Fear and Self-Doubt - Rio Retreat Center

I spent the rest of my week Rio Retreat Center at The Meadows—and the rest of the past year—returning to this incident and wondering why I had such a strong emotional reaction after only a few minutes of equine therapy. I still am not sure I fully understand, but I do know this—that one brief experience with that horse, drew into sharp focus many of the self-defeating beliefs I have and have always had about myself. It made me realize how often I face a challenge or difficult situation in my life by...
  •     Assuming that I will fail.
  •     Assuming that others will be embarrassed on my behalf or ashamed  
       of me if they see me failing.
  •     Assuming that showing emotion equals failure.
  •     Assuming that others will not understand if I need help.
  •     Assuming that others will not forgive me if I need help.
  •     Assuming that needing help equals failure.

I wish I could tell you that these realizations have eliminated all the fear of being vulnerable I’ve carried with me throughout my life—a fear that I think is closely tied to my bouts with depression. But, as they often say Rio Retreat Center at The Meadows, “It’s a process.”

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Rio Retreat Bunkhouse

The Rio Retreat Bunkhouse is designed to be conducive to the process of healing and recovery. Book your stay at The Bunkhouse when you register for your workshop for added convenience, and more immersive healing environment.

Bunkhouse lodging is available on a first come, first serve basis; early registration is recommended.

Rooms and Accommodations

The rooms at The Bunkhouse are purposely free of the distractions that often accompany hotel lodging such as TVs and phones. Rooms are very simply furnished with two twin beds, storage space, an alarm clock, and luggage stand. All rooms have their own private bathroom.

Bunkhouse occupants will have access to the swimming pool during certain hours. Modest bathing suits are required.

A Sunday evening snack will be provided. Meals will be provided from Monday morning through Noon on Friday.